Monday, 7 January 2013

Ear Lobe Support Stickers

Imagine wearing the heavy 'Jhumkas' or the 'Chandelier earrings' for the entire wedding event and then realizing the sagging ears?; after which you keep your ears naked for rest of the month? It is a common problem. The beautiful, tempting earrings - you can't live without nor can live with :)
I tried all the possible temporary, non-surgical options available, from wearing support stoppers to tying the earrings around my ear with transparent wires - way to go! The best solution I found was the "Medical Grade EarLift" - as seen on TV. Efficient and made for the purpose! 
These are transparent stickers that has hypoallergenic adhesive that you can stick behind the ear lobe. As you insert the earring, piercing the sticker, the weight is transferred to the sticker there by not stretching the lobe. I also have an illustration below that should help understand the simple logic.
BeforeSupport TapeAfter

oo la! These are comfortable, value for money and solves the purpose!

1 comment:

  1. As you insert the earring, piercing the sticker, the weight is transferred to the sticker there by not stretching the lobe. ​​lego wall decor
